LinkedIn Live
There is two ways to stream out to your LinkedIn page:
In any scenario, your page needs to meet the LinkedIn Live access criteria.
Please refer to the official LinkedIn Live access criteria documentation.
Be aware that this enablement can take time.
Regardless of who is streaming, Linkedin has a maximum of 4 hours for each stream.
1. You create a LinkedIn Live event on your own
You login into your account, schedule and create your event and send us Stream Key
Please refer to the official LinkedIn Live documentation
- You need a Linkedin Page with >150 subscribers
- Once you are eligible go there
- Setup your event as you which on the left pane
- Then on the bottom pane, Stream settings tab, select the region Europe, West where Brainsonic Streaming Infrastructure is originating its streams
- Click on Get URL button
- Copy and send Stream URL and Stream Key to you Brainsonic representative
- When the stream will start to be pushed you will be able to watch it from the Live control center. Once ready you just have to press the Go live button.
Once done, the page you are acting on behalf of, will post the live stream directly on the feed.
2. Our operators act on your behalf
Do not communicate your password under any circumstances.
And we need the following items:
- A title (75 car.)
- Description (5000 car.)
If scheduled : - Date, time and timezone
- Preview image (1920x1080 - <2MB)